terça-feira, 9 de março de 2010


Alunos Da 6ªD, 6ªE, e 6ªF

The fifth biggest city of the State
The city of Osasco represents today one of the main
industrial and commercial areas of the State, resulted
from a 42 years of history of work and commitment
with the development

Observe o anuncio:

Rua Cravo , Jardim das Flores, SP

R$ 270.000

3 Beds 1 Baths House

Description provided by AgenteImovel
This property is located at Rua Cravo in Jardim das Flores, Osasco, SP and has been listed in category for sale on AgenteImovel for 39 days. The House is listed by Real Estate Broker Pronto! Imoveis for R$270.000 and has 3 Beds, 1 Baths.

Osasco City
The movement for the emancipation, that started for return of the year of 1952, suffered to many contrapositions and empecilhos, but finally after a conturbado plebiscite, in 19 of February of 1962, Osasco if became a city.
Currently is installed in Osasco some of the biggest companies of Brazil, as the matrix of the Bradesco Bank, the headquarters and the studios of the Brazilian System of Televisão (SBT), the graphical park of the Daily periodical of São Paulo, besides being chosen to install the first store of the group Wal-Mart American. With this, Osasco is today the city of the Great São Paulo that more attracts investments in its commercial polar region, and recently was elect for the inhabitants of all the region as the best place to become purchases.
The city of Osasco
Area: 66,9 Km²
Inhabitants: 682.823 (source Emplasa - 2002)
Voters: 453.152 (source: Tre-sp - 2002)
State Ranking: 5º bigger city of the State of São Paulo
National Ranking: 24º bigger city of Brazil
Tempering Climate (minimum 12° - maximum 26°)
Industries: 605 companies
Commerce: 9,394
Companies services: 19,142 companies

Installed Net of sewer: 458,732.25 m (60% of the taken
care of population)
Water Net: 871,730.00 m (100% of the populations are
taken care of)
Electric Energy: 137,989 residênciais linkings (97% of
the domiciles, consumption of 36.869.639 Kw/h)

Region - West of the Great São Paulo
Main ways of access - Pres Highway. White Castello,
Highway Raposo Tavares and Rodovia Anhanguera
Rivers: Tietê and Carapicuiba

Limits of Osasco:
NORTH - São Paulo and Rodovia
SOUTH Anhanguera- Taboão of the Mountain range and
Highway Raposo Tavares
EAST - São Paulo, Butantã and Jaguaré.
WEST - Santana of the Parnaíba, Barueri, Carapicuiba
and Cotia.

Osasco, Center Neighborhood
The revitalizes of the Center of Osasco started with new vest of the main and older ways, that had had the substitution of parallelepipeds for asphalt. The road complex Maria Fields had improvements in its system of traffic lights and a new traced was created for the drivers who pass through in the region. In 2003, it was the time of the widening of the Avenue of the Autonomists. The stretch between the streets Antonio Agu and Salem Bechara more gained an additional band with 2,5 meters of width, beyond a modern system of traffic lights. With this, the avenue started to have 10,5 meters of width in that it was the point of bigger strangulation of the transit. The new band of rolling received 23 centimeters from armed concrete, exactly to absorb the impact caused for the intense traffic of bus in the place.

7 comentários:

  1. oiiee prof♥
    td bem?♥
    esse trabalho ta muito fácil,facinho,facinho♥
    xau prof♥

    aline de jesus paulino

  2. Prof valel por te feito o saite agora ñ pressisamos procurando perde tempo e isso ajuda muito valeu prof mesmo


    João Pedro Almeida Souto 6F numero: 24

  3. oi professora muito legal
    conhecer um blog algo assim diferente que eu não
    bjoos! aline até a aula de hoje!
    aline 6série E

  4. marcos
    muito fácil
    vlw prof

  5. Prof este muito bom este texto ele fala sobre uma área de Osasco e outras coisas que eu não sabia

    Muitos bjs !!!!!!

    Marcelo Olivera 6 ª F Numero 27

  6. oi prof. td bem ñ esquece da história que vc ficou de contar na 6e chau professora

  7. oi prof
    td bom?
    adorei seu blog é muito legal!!!

    fernanda vitória arrais de oliveira 6f
