How to Volunteer in Haiti
As devastating images continue to emerge from the aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti, many Americans are wondering what they can do to help. While most relief agencies say donating money is the best way to contribute to the cause, we know that many Tonic readers have their hearts set on doing something more.
The fact is, hands-on opportunities exist in Haiti right now—and the need for volunteers is expected to grow in the weeks and months to come.
At, part of our mission is to make it easier for you to get involved. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of organizations that need volunteers in Haiti. If you have skills that you believe could be useful in rebuilding Port-au-Prince and the hopes and dreams of the Haitian people, these organizations want to hear from you.
Log on to the appropriate Web site. Make that phone call. Take that extra step, and get involved.
1. Medical workers are sought by The International Medical Corps, a global nonprofit dedicated to saving lives and relieving suffering through health care training and treatment. IMC is taking applications for volunteer doctors and nurses, with a particular need for nurses. Go to their Web site at and click on the “How You Can Help” tab.
2. The Washington, D.C.-based Visions in Action, an international nonprofit committed to achieving social and economic justice in the developing world through grassroots programs, seeks an earthquake relief volunteer immediately for a two to four-week trip to Haiti to assess needs and determine how VIA can best respond to the crisis. Please send a cover letter, CV, and the contact information for three references to: for immediate consideration.
3. The Global Volunteer Network is now working to implement a long-term, sustainable volunteer project in Haiti. Once their team of specialists determines needs, GVN will send in volunteers over the next twelve months, with a likely start date of March onwards. Volunteers are needed from one week to six months to help with working with children; teaching; health/medical; building and construction; counseling; or business development. You can find more information at
4. Massachusetts-based Ministries of Aides International, a humanitarian organization focusing on needy children worldwide, urgently needs volunteers to help distribute supplies and assist nurses and physicians in their work to help the victims of the earthquake. If you are interested in volunteering, contact Wladimir D. Lahens at 617 -250-8516, email or visit their Web site at
5. Over 7,000 registered nurses have already answered the call from their union, the National Nurses United, to volunteer in Haiti. If you are a nurse, you can call 1-800-578-8225, visit or fill out a volunteer form at
6. Boston-based Partners in Health urgently needs orthopedic surgeons, trauma surgeons, anesthesiologists, nurse anesthetists, nurses, post-op nurses, and surgical technicians. They are unable to accommodate any volunteers without significant surgical or trauma training and experience. Applicants can fill out a form here.
7. While the Red Cross isn’t accepting volunteers to travel to Haiti now, there will be a need down the road for more medical personnel, translators and others who need to receive appropriate disaster training now. The Red Cross asks potential volunteers to contact their local Red Cross chapter for this training.
8. Both medical and non-medical workers can register to volunteer their services with the Center for International Disaster Information (CIDI), based in Washington, D.C. Relief agencies browse through the listings to find volunteers who match their needs. The CIDI, funded by the United States Agency for International Development’s Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance, promotes activities and donations to help disaster victims around the world. You can visit the CIDI’s registration page at or call 703-276-1914.
9. The Anir Experience, based in Lewisburg, West Virginia, is assembling three teams of volunteers to travel to Haiti July 3–17, 2010. Teams will be 15 members each for either construction, first-aid/health care or child care. For more information go to or contact them at
10. Habitat for Humanity International is currently assessing response options in Haiti. Once the organization knows the full magnitude of the disaster, Habitat will require support from volunteers. Contact to register to volunteer or for updated information on its needs.
11. The American Refugee Committee International, an international humanitarian aid agency that works with 2.5 million people annually, has information for prospective volunteers in Haiti here.
12. The Christian Reformed World Relief Committee, which has been working with churches and community organizations in Haiti for more than thirty years, is not clear on whether or not additional volunteers will be needed for CRWRC’s response. Those who are interested in volunteering should call Carol Sybenga at 1-800-730-3490 or email
13. World Hope International, a faith-based relief and development organization based in Alexandria, Virginia, will mobilize volunteers to assist their Haitian staff and communities in clean-up and rebuilding once the work of its first responders ebbs. Visit their Web site for more information.
14. For more information on volunteer positions as they arise, regularly check Also, check out InterAction, a coalition of NGO’s with a regularly updated list of its member organizations involved with Haiti at
Originally published on
esse texto deve-se bem interessante para que sabe ler em inglês como eu não sei nao entedi nada so sei que fala dos voluntarios do haiti
ResponderExcluirDaniele G. Souza nº12 serie:3ºA
ResponderExcluirEste texto fala sobre os voluntariados e que o Haiti necessita de muita ajuda e passa os sites e telefones para se vc quiser ajudar.
Caroline Cristina da silva nº10 serie:3ºa
ResponderExcluirO texto acima fala que o Haiti necessita de voluntarios depois dos terremotos que teve la.
Nome:Taís dos Amjos Santos Nº 37
ResponderExcluirO texto como voluntário no haiti fala sobre as possibilidades de fazer um trabalho voluntário. Sabemos que o Haiti recentemente sofreu uma grande catástrofe e que agora mais do que nunca precisamos nos reunir para ajudar, não apenas com dinheiro mais também com trabalho voluntário, o texto nos mostra vária opções de como ajudar. Para nós que somos adolescentes é muito importante nos interessarmos por esse tipo de trabalho para que possamos decidir qual será nossa futura profissão.
Graciele n: 17
ResponderExcluirEu acho muito importante esta causa não voluntarios ainda mais agora que o mundo precisa tanto uns dos outros como no causo do Pais do HAITI Um país que precisa de ajuda em TODOS OS SENTIDOS Saúde Alimentação, economicos, etc. As pessoas tem mais que é Ajuda porque isso é um problema que pode acontece com qualquer pais.Agora o que agente mais precisa e das mãos e ajuda nosso irmãos que perderam tudo familia, casa, emprego ... Mais por hora o que agente que esta é de longe pode faz Contribuição da nossa ajuda para o pais.
Thiago Ferreira
ResponderExcluirPelo que eu entendi o texo comenta em como se tronar um voluntário para ajudar na causa do Haiti. Acho que neste momento é o correto, o pais foi devastado e quanto mais ajuda melhor