terça-feira, 30 de março de 2010

A série na TV - The Vampire Diaries

1ª parte
Numa cidade pequenina muitas coisas acontecem.
que lição voce pode tirar de tudo que voce vê?
Você pode acreditar em tudo e em todos?
Como você vê seus amigos?
Você julga e confia nos outros por causa da aparência?

Eles utilizam sua aparência para aproximar das pessoas? Isso acontece na vida Real?
você pode me dar exemplos de pessoas que utilizam a aparência para aproximar-se dos outros
e tirar vantagens?


The Vampire Diaries (Diários do Vampiro)

O  despertar

“The Awekening” (“O Despertar”) – 1991 (Lançamento no Brasil: 28/08/2009).

O triangulo amoroso mais assombroso de todos. Dois irmãos vampiros, um bom e outro maligno, estão apaixonados pela mesma humana. Stefan conhece Elena e se apaixona por ela instantaneamente, mas jura nunca se aproximar dela por causa de seu segredo sombrio. No entanto, Elena jura conquistar Stefan – ou morrer. “O Despertar” é o primeiro livro da série. Se você quer ler o primeiro capitulo, a Galera Record disponibilizou o primeiro capitulo para download

“The Struggle” (“O Confronto”) – 1991 (Lançamento no Brasil: 04/11/ 2009)

A rivalidade entre os irmãos Salvatore está maior que nunca, e Elena, enquanto tenta manter Stefan e Damon sem machucados(e sem descobrir que ambos estão sugando seu sangue), tem ainda de descobrir quem roubou seu Diário e está ameaçando revelar os segredos que estavam nele.

Livros que ainda não foram lançados no Brasil

“The Fury” (“A Fúria”) – 1991 (Lançamento no Brasil: 01 de março de 2010)

Elena é uma vampira – e pertence a Damon. Enquanto a cidade está de luto pela perda de sua menina de ouro, coisas estranhas e sobrenaturais estão acontecendo. Para que a cidade não seja destruída, Stefan e Damon devem unir forças.

“Dark Reunion” (“Reunião Sombria”) – 1991 (Lançamento no Brasil: junho de 2010)

Stefan e Damon estão de volta a Fell´s Church para investigar acontecimentos peculiares e perigosos que voltam a assustar a cidade. Lá, a turma toda se reúne e enfrenta o mal junto – mais uma vez.

The Vampire Diaries: The Return (Diários do Vampiro: O Retorno)

“Nightfall” – fevereiro de 2009

Espíritos Malignos tomam posse do corpo e da mente de Damon e o forçam a fazer coisas malignas..

“Shadow Souls” (Sombras das Almas) – Dezembro de 2009

Um penitente Damon segue Stefan na dimensão mais sombria numa tentativa de libertá-lo da prisão que ele encontrou em vez de salvação.

“Midnight” – 2010

O grupo sobrevivente dos amigos volta para encontrar Fell’s Church em ruínas. Meredith faz uma descoberta assustadora em sua pesquisa e Bonnie tem uma experiência fora de seu corpo que pode explicar a bagunça que está acontecendo com a cidade.

domingo, 21 de março de 2010

3º A Alunos Fanny Monzoni Santos - 2º texto

Teens Volunteer - An Introduction To The Work World

Why Volunteer?

If your young teen is a bit nervous at the thought of working a real job for a real boss, he can gain confidence and experience first by working as a volunteer. Teens that are not comfortable in a variety of social situations may find adapting to the demands of the workplace difficult. Figuring out how to fit in with co-workers and trying to understand the job requirements while under pressure to perform well can dramatically impact a teen's attitude toward working. Most teenagers realize that paid employment differs from school in a couple of major ways; actual money, the possibility of being fired for not performing well enough, and the fact that this is the beginning of his adult history that follows him for much of his life. Beginning with volunteer work is a lower-pressure, less stressful introduction to the world of real work.

How Volunteering Helps

Volunteering gives your teenager the chance to work for someone other than a parent with a group of people other than only their same-age peers. Mixed age groups offer the opportunity to observe adults interacting as a team to accomplish a goal, adults that may be strangers to each other at first.Your child can watch the give-and-take required as the other volunteers figure out the best way to get the job done -- there may be mild power struggles for authority. These situations are valuable for the teenager to observe as he watches how it plays out. Volunteering in several different fields expands that experience as well as exposing your teen to differing management styles; one boss may require speed and quick thinking, another may be impressed by a friendly attitude and great customer service skills. Variety also will help your teen discover the environment that best fits his interests and work style.

Make Your Teen Aware

During these early teen years is the time to comment to your teen on people's work habits when you're waited on at a store or business. Draw your teen's attention to the cleanliness and order (or lack thereof!) where you are a customer, discuss your appreciation of the helpfulness and smiles of service people you deal with, the efficiency and knowledge of workers. It won't hurt to also recount to your teenager how you had a complaint about a service that was cheerfully and speedily corrected. Bad experiences and how they could have been handled better are also things your teens needs to hear about. He will have relevant stories to share as well, from school, remembered family experiences, or with friends. Now is when these situations will be particularly noticed as your teen begins thinking of entering the working world.

How To Start

You may need to take your young teen along with you while you're the volunteer a time or two first -- your teen should be an asset to the team, not a detriment; while learning, he may need a guiding hand. Be careful not to allow too much dependence on you though; he's there to work, not do chores for mom or dad. Help him see the difference.

You or your teen may already have ideas for interesting places to start; if not, this site can get you started:

Making the value of the work personally obvious may be a start for hesitant types. I participate in a food co-op, this link is the second page of an article about the co-op that discusses the need for volunteers and how to get involved

Teen With Work Experience

It's a great help to understand what is required in a workplace before a teen needs to impress a potential employer during an interview. A teen who can speak from experience about his previous successes has an edge over the competition. Teach your child to keep a log of his volunteer experience with contact information, place name, type of work, and dates; this information is what he will list as his work experience. The added confidence and sense of accomplishment that comes with meaningful volunteer work will give the extra boost to his chance of being hired when the time comes.

3º A Alunos Fanny Monzoni Santos

How to Volunteer in Haiti

As devastating images continue to emerge from the aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti, many Americans are wondering what they can do to help. While most relief agencies say donating money is the best way to contribute to the cause, we know that many Tonic readers have their hearts set on doing something more.

The fact is, hands-on opportunities exist in Haiti right now—and the need for volunteers is expected to grow in the weeks and months to come.

At Tonic.com, part of our mission is to make it easier for you to get involved. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of organizations that need volunteers in Haiti. If you have skills that you believe could be useful in rebuilding Port-au-Prince and the hopes and dreams of the Haitian people, these organizations want to hear from you.

Log on to the appropriate Web site. Make that phone call. Take that extra step, and get involved.

1. Medical workers are sought by The International Medical Corps, a global nonprofit dedicated to saving lives and relieving suffering through health care training and treatment. IMC is taking applications for volunteer doctors and nurses, with a particular need for nurses. Go to their Web site at www.imcworldwide.org and click on the “How You Can Help” tab.

2. The Washington, D.C.-based Visions in Action, an international nonprofit committed to achieving social and economic justice in the developing world through grassroots programs, seeks an earthquake relief volunteer immediately for a two to four-week trip to Haiti to assess needs and determine how VIA can best respond to the crisis. Please send a cover letter, CV, and the contact information for three references to: haiti@visionsinaction.org for immediate consideration.

3. The Global Volunteer Network is now working to implement a long-term, sustainable volunteer project in Haiti. Once their team of specialists determines needs, GVN will send in volunteers over the next twelve months, with a likely start date of March onwards. Volunteers are needed from one week to six months to help with working with children; teaching; health/medical; building and construction; counseling; or business development. You can find more information at www.globalvolunteernetwork.org/haiti/.

4. Massachusetts-based Ministries of Aides International, a humanitarian organization focusing on needy children worldwide, urgently needs volunteers to help distribute supplies and assist nurses and physicians in their work to help the victims of the earthquake. If you are interested in volunteering, contact Wladimir D. Lahens at 617 -250-8516, email volunteers@ministriesofaidesinternational.org or visit their Web site at www.ministriesofaidesinternational.org.

5. Over 7,000 registered nurses have already answered the call from their union, the National Nurses United, to volunteer in Haiti. If you are a nurse, you can call 1-800-578-8225, visit www.nationalnursesunited.org or fill out a volunteer form at www.calnurses.org/rnrn/rnrn-volunteer-form.html

6. Boston-based Partners in Health urgently needs orthopedic surgeons, trauma surgeons, anesthesiologists, nurse anesthetists, nurses, post-op nurses, and surgical technicians. They are unable to accommodate any volunteers without significant surgical or trauma training and experience. Applicants can fill out a form here.

7. While the Red Cross isn’t accepting volunteers to travel to Haiti now, there will be a need down the road for more medical personnel, translators and others who need to receive appropriate disaster training now. The Red Cross asks potential volunteers to contact their local Red Cross chapter for this training.

8. Both medical and non-medical workers can register to volunteer their services with the Center for International Disaster Information (CIDI), based in Washington, D.C. Relief agencies browse through the listings to find volunteers who match their needs. The CIDI, funded by the United States Agency for International Development’s Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance, promotes activities and donations to help disaster victims around the world. You can visit the CIDI’s registration page at www.cidi.org/reg_off.htm or call 703-276-1914.

9. The Anir Experience, based in Lewisburg, West Virginia, is assembling three teams of volunteers to travel to Haiti July 3–17, 2010. Teams will be 15 members each for either construction, first-aid/health care or child care. For more information go to www.anirfoundation.org/Haitipage2.html or contact them at Programs@anirexperience.org.

10. Habitat for Humanity International is currently assessing response options in Haiti. Once the organization knows the full magnitude of the disaster, Habitat will require support from volunteers. Contact www.habitat.org to register to volunteer or for updated information on its needs.

11. The American Refugee Committee International, an international humanitarian aid agency that works with 2.5 million people annually, has information for prospective volunteers in Haiti here.

12. The Christian Reformed World Relief Committee, which has been working with churches and community organizations in Haiti for more than thirty years, is not clear on whether or not additional volunteers will be needed for CRWRC’s response. Those who are interested in volunteering should call Carol Sybenga at 1-800-730-3490 or email volunteer@crcna.org.

13. World Hope International, a faith-based relief and development organization based in Alexandria, Virginia, will mobilize volunteers to assist their Haitian staff and communities in clean-up and rebuilding once the work of its first responders ebbs. Visit their Web site for more information.

14. For more information on volunteer positions as they arise, regularly check Idealist.org. Also, check out InterAction, a coalition of NGO’s with a regularly updated list of its member organizations involved with Haiti at www.interaction.org/crisis-list/earthquake-haiti.

To read more of Tonic’s continuing Haiti coverage.

Originally published on Tonic.com

segunda-feira, 15 de março de 2010

Alunos 1º A - Retorno dos Comentários

Boa participação dos 6 alunos, que contabilizam 5 horas de atividades extra Classe(acada trabalho postado nesse blog o aluno recebe 5 horas de atividades extra, que serão transformados em nota na composição da média final) e mantém uma pontuação de 10 pontos na nota do bimestre.
A cada Trabalho realizado nesse blog o aluno terá de 0-10 pontos, que no final do Bimestre será somado e transformado em nota)Espero encontrar mais opiniões, procurem aqueles que postarem após o primeiro aluno, observar que as opiniões podem se encontrarem, mas sua opinião mesmo igual será escrita com suas palavras, terá sua personalidade estampada, e não se preocupe em dar sua opinião ela será lida e estiver algum problema muito grave será devolvida para você adequa-la ao nosso Blog. Aqui é um espaço também para você esclarecer duvidas, pedir algo que goste, vamos incrementar nossa ferramenta e nos aproximarmos mais. obrigada pela participação de todos que estiveram visitando e pelos comentários.
Hoje é grande as atividades realizada utilizando a internet, estamos nesse momento caminhando de forma igual a alunos pelo mundo, vamos melhorar nosso blog, e mostrar que nós podemos caminhar como em qualquer país de 1º mundo.
Uma boa semana a todos meus alunos. e visitantes.

sexta-feira, 12 de março de 2010

Dia mundial da Água - 22 de Março

Dia Internacional da Água

Com o objetivo de conscientizar as pessoas sobre a importância da água para a vida em nosso planeta, a ONU (Organização das Nações Unidas) estabeleceu 22 de março como o Dia Internacional da Água. Fique ligado nessa reportagem, pois esse é um assunto vital!

De tanto escutar minha professora falar sobre a importância da água para a vida na Terra, fiquei curioso e resolvi pesquisar um pouco mais. Eu fiquei desesperado com as coisas que descobri e comecei a escrever esse Extra para iniciar uma campanha de preservação da nossa água. Quer participar? Então, vamos lá!

Na minha pesquisa, descobri que se não aprendermos a conservar as reservas de água que ainda temos, logo, logo, vai faltar água em várias partes do mundo. Caso isso aconteça, as pessoas vão começar a brigar por causa da pouca água que restar. Já imaginou isso? Guerras horríveis e violentas por causa de água? Isso não é impossível de acontecer, pois a água logo vai valer mais do que o ouro ou o petróleo.

Todos nós sabemos que o planeta Terra é formado de, aproximadamente, 70% de água, não é mesmo? Mas o que nem todo mundo sabe é que a maior parte dessa água, 97,50%, é salgada e imprópria para o consumo. Da água doce, 2,493% estão em lençóis subterrâneos ou congelados nos pólos, e apenas 0,007% está em rios e lagos, disponível para nosso consumo. Quer entender melhor essa proporção? Veja o gráfico que encontrei:

E não é só isso não. Desse 0,007% de água doce disponível para nosso consumo, 70% vão para a agricultura; 22%, para a indústria e 8%, para o consumo individual.

Agora que todos já sabem a verdade, acho que já posso contar meu plano! Eu e minha turma analisamos muito bem essa situação e chegamos a uma conclusão: PRECISAMOS ECONOMIZAR ÁGUA URGENTEMENTE! Se cada pessoa do mundo fizer a sua parte, a água não vai acabar, e a vida em nosso planeta será preservada. Quer fazer a sua parte? Então, comece a falar sobre esse problema para todas as pessoas que você conhece, siga as dicas de como economizar água que nós preparamos e mãos à obra!

Dicas para economizar água

Tomando banho
Você sabia que um dos recordistas de consumo de água no Brasil é o chuveiro? Um banho de 15 minutos gasta, em média, 130 litros de água. Se a pessoa for como eu, que toma banho todos os dias, vai consumir, em um mês, 3.900 litros!
Para economizar, basta reduzir o tempo do banho: cinco minutos são suficientes para lavar todo o corpo. Desligar o chuveiro enquanto se ensaboa ou lava o cabelo também é uma boa maneira de economizar. Viu como dá pra ficar cheiroso sem esbanjar? Agora, só não vale dizer que não vai mais tomar banho para economizar água, pois essa desculpa não cola mais!

Escovando os dentes
Esta dica todos conhecem, mas poucos praticam: quando estiver escovando seus dentes, deixe a torneira fechada! Gastamos, aproximadamente, 10 litros de água quando escovamos os dentes por cinco minutos com a torneira aberta. Para economizar, abra a torneira apenas para molhar a escova e enxaguar a boca.

Lavando a roupa
Na hora de lavar a roupa, o segredo para economizar água é deixar acumular peças e lavar tudo de uma só vez. Só ligue a máquina quando ela estiver cheinha. As roupas muito sujas devem ser deixadas de molho antes de serem lavadas, pois, com isso, a sujeira sai mais fácil e com menos água. Ao lavar no tanque, deixe sempre a torneira fechada enquanto ensaboa e esfrega as roupas.

Lavando a louça
Antes de começar a lavar a louça, devemos raspar os restos de comida e deixar de molho as panelas ou as louças muito sujas. Ensaboe tudo o que for lavar com a torneira fechada e abra a torneira apenas na hora de enxaguar. Ah! E lembre: nada de ficar pegando um copo limpo a cada vez que você for tomar água, pois, para cada copo que você suja, são necessários pelo menos dois outros copos de água para lavá-lo.

Lavando o carro e a calçada
Já ensinei pro meu pai como é fácil deixar o carro limpinho sem precisar gastar muita água. É só usar um balde de água de 10 litros para molhar o carro e mais uns três ou quatro para enxaguá-lo. Utilizar a mangueira para essa atividade gera um grande desperdício. O mesmo serve para as calçadas. Devemos usar a vassoura para retirar a sujeira e não o jato de água da mangueira!

Utilizando o vaso sanitário
Agora você vai dizer: "O Maluquinho tá mesmo maluco! Todos sabem como se usa a privada". E eu digo que muita gente não sabe usar o vaso sanitário (vou dizer vaso sanitário que é mais chique, tá?) de forma adequada, sabe por quê? Porque muitas pessoas acham que o vaso sanitário é cesto de lixo e jogam papel, cotonetes, algodão, cigarros e mais um monte de porcarias dentro dele. Isso pode entupir o encanamento e fazer com que o lixo volte para a sua casa! Ui... que nojo! Outra dica: deixe a válvula da descarga sempre regulada e não fique apertando-a sem necessidade, pois isso gasta muita água!

Cuidando das plantas
Para cuidar do jardim, substitua a mangueira por um regador. Dessa maneira, você só joga água onde é necessário, não afoga as coitadas das plantinhas e fica mais perto delas. Isso mesmo, fica mais perto e dá mais carinho para as plantas, ou você acha que elas só precisam de sol e água?

Verificando os vazamentos
Vazamento é um problema! Uma torneira pingando, um cano furado ou uma válvula de descarga desregulada pode desperdiçar milhares de litros de água em um único dia. Certifique-se de que todas as torneiras de sua casa estão bem fechadas e funcionando direitinho e de que a válvula da descarga não está desregulada e soltando mais água que o necessário. Para verificar se existe algum vazamento, faça o seguinte teste: feche todas as torneiras e registros da casa e veja se os números do hidrômetro (aquele aparelho parecido com um relógio que mede o consumo de água) estão movendo-se. Se isso ocorrer, é sinal de que algum cano pode estar furado. Avise seus pais para que o problema possa ser resolvido com urgência!

Viu como é fácil economizar? O planeta Terra precisa de nossa ajuda.
Não seja maluco de desperdiçar água!

22 de Março - Dia Mundial da Água

Pense no Desperdício, Pense no Futuro, Não pense em como deixar o Planeta para seus filhos, mas sim nos filhos que deixará para o planeta.

song this time by jonathan rhys meyers august rush...

Lyrics by song:

Tonight the sky above
Reminds me of you, love
Walking through wintertime
Where the stars all shine
The angel on the stairs
Will tell you I was there
Under the front porch light
On a mystery night

I've been sitting watching life pass from the sidelines
Been waiting for a dream to seep in through my blinds
I wondered what might happen if I left this all behind
Would the wind be at my back ? Could I get you off my mind
This time

The neon lights in bars
And headlights from the cars
Have started a symphony
Inside of me
The things I left behind
Have melted in my mind
And now there's a purity
Inside of me

I've been sitting watching life pass from the sidelines
Been waiting for a dream to seep in through my blinds
I wondered what might happen if I left this all behind
Would the wind be at my back ? Could I get you off my mind
This time

I've been sitting watching life pass from the sidelines
Been waiting for a dream to seep in through my blinds
I wondered what might happen if I left this all behind
Would the wind be at my back ? Could I get you off my mind

This Time...

terça-feira, 9 de março de 2010


Alunos Da 6ªD, 6ªE, e 6ªF

The fifth biggest city of the State
The city of Osasco represents today one of the main
industrial and commercial areas of the State, resulted
from a 42 years of history of work and commitment
with the development

Observe o anuncio:

Rua Cravo , Jardim das Flores, SP

R$ 270.000

3 Beds 1 Baths House

Description provided by AgenteImovel
This property is located at Rua Cravo in Jardim das Flores, Osasco, SP and has been listed in category for sale on AgenteImovel for 39 days. The House is listed by Real Estate Broker Pronto! Imoveis for R$270.000 and has 3 Beds, 1 Baths.

Osasco City
The movement for the emancipation, that started for return of the year of 1952, suffered to many contrapositions and empecilhos, but finally after a conturbado plebiscite, in 19 of February of 1962, Osasco if became a city.
Currently is installed in Osasco some of the biggest companies of Brazil, as the matrix of the Bradesco Bank, the headquarters and the studios of the Brazilian System of Televisão (SBT), the graphical park of the Daily periodical of São Paulo, besides being chosen to install the first store of the group Wal-Mart American. With this, Osasco is today the city of the Great São Paulo that more attracts investments in its commercial polar region, and recently was elect for the inhabitants of all the region as the best place to become purchases.
The city of Osasco
Area: 66,9 Km²
Inhabitants: 682.823 (source Emplasa - 2002)
Voters: 453.152 (source: Tre-sp - 2002)
State Ranking: 5º bigger city of the State of São Paulo
National Ranking: 24º bigger city of Brazil
Tempering Climate (minimum 12° - maximum 26°)
Industries: 605 companies
Commerce: 9,394
Companies services: 19,142 companies

Installed Net of sewer: 458,732.25 m (60% of the taken
care of population)
Water Net: 871,730.00 m (100% of the populations are
taken care of)
Electric Energy: 137,989 residênciais linkings (97% of
the domiciles, consumption of 36.869.639 Kw/h)

Region - West of the Great São Paulo
Main ways of access - Pres Highway. White Castello,
Highway Raposo Tavares and Rodovia Anhanguera
Rivers: Tietê and Carapicuiba

Limits of Osasco:
NORTH - São Paulo and Rodovia
SOUTH Anhanguera- Taboão of the Mountain range and
Highway Raposo Tavares
EAST - São Paulo, Butantã and Jaguaré.
WEST - Santana of the Parnaíba, Barueri, Carapicuiba
and Cotia.

Osasco, Center Neighborhood
The revitalizes of the Center of Osasco started with new vest of the main and older ways, that had had the substitution of parallelepipeds for asphalt. The road complex Maria Fields had improvements in its system of traffic lights and a new traced was created for the drivers who pass through in the region. In 2003, it was the time of the widening of the Avenue of the Autonomists. The stretch between the streets Antonio Agu and Salem Bechara more gained an additional band with 2,5 meters of width, beyond a modern system of traffic lights. With this, the avenue started to have 10,5 meters of width in that it was the point of bigger strangulation of the transit. The new band of rolling received 23 centimeters from armed concrete, exactly to absorb the impact caused for the intense traffic of bus in the place.



* Após o texto em inglês, confira abaixo a versão em português.

Useful terms for types of languages:

- Native - the language you learned at home with your family when you were small.
- Official - the language that is used in official documents, spoken on the radio and on television.
- Second language - language you learn because you have to live in the country where the language is spoken.
- Foreign language - languages spoken abroad, a language you can choose to study at school.

Some facts about the Language

Non native-speakers of the language now outnumber native speakers 3 to 1.

English is spoken as first language by more than 370 million people throughout the world, and is used as a second language by as many, if not more. One in five of the world's population speaks English with some degree of competence. It is an official or semi-official language in over 70 countries, and it plays a significant role in many more. English is not just one standard language, but can be thought of as a "family", which includes many different varieties. The map below shows where English and its varieties are spoken nowadays:

countries with significant concentrations of native speakers of English (in all of these countries English is an official or de facto language of administration)
other countries in which English is an official or important administrative language
Source: Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page)

Within a decade, 2 billion people will be studying English and about half the world - about 3 million people - will speak it. Non-native speakers of the language now outnumber native speakers 3 to 1, according to English language expert David Crystal. He recognizes that there is never before been a language that's been spoken by more people as a second language than a first. In Asia alone, the number of English-users has topped 350 million - roughly the combined populations of the United States, Britain and Canada. There are more Chinese children studying English - about 100 million - than there are Britons.

What people use English for

The massive English-learning industry in India alone is a $100 million-per year business. It's the front line of a global revolution in which hundreds of millions of people are learning English, the planet's language for almost every kind of transaction. English is the main language of commerce, technology, communication, science, academic conferences, business, entertainment, airports and air-traffic control, diplomacy, radio, newspapers, books, sports, tourism, international competitions, pop music advertising etc. - and, increasingly, empowerment.

Over two-thirds of the world's scientists read in English. Three quarters of the world's mail is written in English. Eighty per cent of the world's electronically stored information is in English. Of the estimated forty million users of the Internet, some eighty per cent communicate in English, but this is expected to decrease to forty per cent as speakers of other languages get online.

Some types of new Englishes

The new English-speakers aren't just passively absorbing the language. They are shaping it, arising an interesting event: the blend of two names of languages in one, which forms a new name for that new language. This blending is called portmanteau. Some examples of portmanteaus from names of languages are:

Englog (or Enggalog)= English + Taglog (spoken in the Philippines)

Japlish = Japanese + English

Hinglish = Hindi + English

Spanglish = Spanish + English

What about the Future?

All languages are works in progress. But English's globalization, unprecedent in the history of languages, will revolutionize it in ways we can only begin to imagine. In the future, suggests David Crystal, there could be a tri-English world one in which you could speak a local English-based dialect at home, a national variety at work or school, and international Standard English to talk to foreigners. With native speakers, a shrinking minority of the world's Anglophones, there's a growing sense that students should stop trying to emulate Brighton or Boston English, and embrace their own local versions. Researchers are starting to study non-native speakers' "mistakes", as "She look very sad," for example - as structured grammars. In a generation's time, teachers might no longer be correcting students for saying "a book who" or "a person which."


The Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary (7th edition - 2005);

- "Not the Queen's English"; Newsweek article From the magazine issue dated Mar 7, 2005 (http://www.newsweek.com/id/49079/page/1);

- British Council (http://www.britishcouncil.org/new/).